Amy-Louise MacGregor | Digital Marketing & Websites
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Facebook Ads Manager and Power Editor Combine

It’s no longer news that Facebook is merging their super advertising tool Power Editor with the old Facebook Ads Manager into one combined tool. But, you might be wondering, what does this mean for us advertisers? How will this affect your ad performance and more importantly, what are the new changes that you should expect […]

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Instagram Shadowban what is it

Instagram Shadowban

What is Instagram Shadowban & How to Prevent it from Happening to You The so-called Instagram shadow ban has become a popular topic among Instagrammers and social media marketers in forums and groups online. But these days, it still remains a rumor considering that Instagram has not released an official statement about it. Just as […]

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Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories: What does it Mean for Business Owners  Instagram has come up with a new feature – Instagram stories. It is already rolling out to the enjoyment of social media users. But how can businesses like you and me take advantage of this to promote products or services? Let’s check. What are Instagram stories? […]

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Facebooks New news feed

Facebook News Feed by Topics

Facebook’s New News Feed – What Does It Mean For Business Pages? If there is one thing that is constant on Facebook, then that is change. Since the prominent social networking site quickly gained millions of users worldwide, it has been constantly evolving to make it more immersive, more interactive and more innovative than the […]

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beat procastination

4 Ways To Beat Procrastination

Its Time to Kick Procrastination to the Kerb Procrastination is common to almost everyone, and the only difference is how each individual deals with it. In most cases, putting off tasks seems to be more tempting when you’re an entrepreneur because you are in control of your time. I know I am fond of shiny object […]

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